Why reading should be taken up as an everyday activity for Pre School Children?


Children have surging creativity in them waiting to find an outlet and reveal itself in the vast world of books. Herein, the children live in their own world. Their imagination allow them to learn to dance from a peacock, swim with duck, skate like a cat and much more. At Golden Bells, Top Pre School in Ashok Vihar, the team introduces children to books that can increase their knowledge base and make them learn new things more than often. Book Reading Activity is always continued by theme based activities to increase the understanding the practicality of subject matter.

Routine of Bed Time Story Session

Inculcating a habit of regular reading can be started at early age by reading books to the children at bed time. Reading before bed time helps the child get a peaceful sleep during the night. Settling down in bed and beginning to read a book helps the brain understand that the body is ready to sleep. It’s far better than the screen time that disrupts the sleeping pattern.

Connecting with Characters teaches Empathy

Empathy is taught to the young minds with tender hearts via building a connection with the characters. They learn & understand empathy and compassion when come in contact with characters while reading children. They can also learn to use magic words and become powerful communicators as per their age. This could be seen more often in the Best Kindergarten School in Delhi.

Vocabulary Enrichment

Children can be made to learn new words and build a strong vocabulary by devoting some time to reading each day. Parents must read the books to children more than once so that they can memorize the words by heart.  Picture book are of great help to the kids in developing Linguistic Intelligence.

Building Self-Esteem

Children’s books help the child obtain enough knowledge on things in accordance with their age. This builds confidence in them as they will know something about the world they are living in. They feel confident of their knowledge, ability to recognize things around them and acquired information.


Kids are curious by nature about everything around them. Books and reading comes hand in hand where they take a journey into deepest forests, depths of ocean and beautiful rainbows. Golden Bells Early Years, the Top Nursery School, Ashok Vihar allow the kids to look around and feel their immediate surroundings.

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